Political Strategy

While each campaign is different and our specific role in each campaign may differ, we generally engage using our rapid iteration campaign model. We are experienced to know that campaigns require a plan, but those plans are subject to….shall we say….forces beyond the campaigns control. We always begin with a solid plan based in research, with the knowledge that it will change rapidly and that a major portion of our engagement is to manage the change. Discovery Elanee Technologies take the time to understand the type of campaign you would like to run. After gaining a complete understanding, we will embark upon an extensive research period, then we use all our knowledge and skills to arrive at a strategy to win. Agreement We will mutually agree upon the strategy, tactics, and deliverables of the campaign. We are firm believers in a written campaign plan, and we will insist upon one. This plan will include research, goals, budgets, calenders, staffing, timetables, and will be presented to all stakeholders for buy-in.Rapid IterationWe will also mutually understand that a campaign changes rapidly and that all plans are subject to change. We are nimble, fast, and adaptive.

We hope that you will contact our political consulting agency to see how we can assist you, Elanee Technologies Media is ready to assist in developing your winning political strategy.

Campaign Planning

Political campaign planning is the combination of experience, specialized knowledge, political research, and political strategies in order to develop and navigate a path to victory.

A Campaign Plan
Indore solution political consulting can assist you in developing the following areas of your political campaign plan:

  • Campaign Context and Political Environment
  • Candidate Information / Profile
  • District Profile
  • Voter Profile
  • Opposition Profile(s)
  • Polling Plan and Schedule
  • Campaign Theme & Emotion Development
  • Campaign Calendar
  • Paid Media Planning
  • Earned Media Planning
  • Campaign Budgeting
  • Campaign Fundraising Plan and Schedule
  • Campaign Staffing
  • Campaign Communication Calendar

The Role of Research
Just a quick note, we cannot over emphasize the importance that research plays in the campaign process. We have witnesses far too many candidates who engage on a political campaign without adequate research.

Digital Strategy

The Internet is revolutionizing the way political campaigns communicate with voters and the way campaigns raise money. The truth about the matter is that most campaigns are horrible at harnessing the power of the Internet.

Long gone are the days that campaign could throw up a web site made by a nephew and call that the campaign’s Internet Strategy.

Long gone should be the days of assigning social media to an intern or a low level campaign staffer.

Careful planning and specific goals must be attributed to each and every aspect of an Internet strategy. Political Internet Strategies

Ozean’s political consulting can assist you in developing the following areas of your Internet Strategy:

  • Social Media
  • Internet Fund raising Campaign
  • Web Design
  • Online Advertising
  • Internet Media Buying
  • Internet Reputation Monitoring
  • Internet Reputation Management
  • Video on the web
  • Developing Online Communities
  • Ozean Consulting has two additional strategy primary areas of focus:
    1. Internet Strategy
    2. Campaign Strategy

Campaign Management

Difference between campaign manager & consultant:

There is one major difference between a consultant and manager : A campaign consultant develops the strategies & plans to win while a campaign manager assists in the day to day operations to carry out the plan. Typically a campaign consultant will be working on multiple campaign engagements while a campaign manger will be 100% dedicated to you.

While Indore solution principals do not act as campaign managers, we provide two campaign management services:

  • Indore solution will assist and direct the campaign’s manager.
  • Indore solution can recruit your campaign a day to day manager using our relationships with the University of Florida’s campaign school.

If you are interested in campaign management as part of the political consultant engagement process, please contact indore solution Media.

Corporate Communications

Corporate Communications Consulting:

When one considers everything indore solution does, it becomes apparent that another way of saying what we do is “indore solution offers communications consulting & strategy.”

  • We research the audience, (quantitative or qualitative)
  • create messaging,
  • research how an audience will possibly react to a message(s),
  • strategize on how best to deliver a certain message to a certain audience,
  • create media and communication instruments to communicate the message,
  • plan and implement communication & media plans,
  • measure results, and
  • continually refine communication & media plans

Corporate Clients
Indore solution has found through the years, that selective engagements with the right corporation and/or businesses can make sense.

When it makes sense
Our corporate partners understand that indore solution operates a little different than an advertising agency. First, indore solution operates at a rate of speed they are unaccustomed to.

In addition, our corporate partners understand that indore solution must keep up with the latest research & communication techniques in order to serve our political clients. What we may lack in dog and pony show capabilities, we more than compensate with bottom line results.

Political Media

After the research, strategy and the testing is completed, it is time to communicate the campaigns message.

Today’s political media environment is rapidly changing – long gone are the days of buying 1,500 GRPs on three major networks and calling it a day.

Today’s Political Media Mix:

Today’s political media mix can contain:

  • Press or Earned Media
  • Television
    1. Network (national, regional, local)
    2. Cable (national, regional, local)
  • Radio
  • Internet Video (YouTube, Netflix, Hulu)
  • Internet Radio (pandora, etc)
  • Social Media
  • Direct Mail
  • Direct Mail for the Internet
  • Blogs
  • Chat Rooms
  • Newspapers (on & offline)
  • Magazines (on & offline)
  • Collateral
  • Online Advertising Networks
  • Out of Home Displays
  • Street & Grassroot Teams

The media channels available for political media are now almost endless – only limited by your imagination and budget, and each channel has its own particular audience with their own particular nuances.


To provide a seamless extension of our client's customer relationship management process by being a premier provider of customer acquisition, customer care, and retention services.

What We Do

  • E Commerce Solutions
  • Digital Marketing Campaigns
  • Software Development
  • Website Design & Development
  • Search engine optimization
  • Email Marketing
  • Branding Services
  • Campaign Management